The Motley Righteous!

For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
- 2 Cor. 5:21

Various members of the Body of Christ (the "Motley Righteous"), past and present, share their heart's views regarding our common faith.    


Our Faith and the Coronavirus…


Inspired by comments originating from Westminster Theological Seminary, here are some thoughts for your consideration:

Time magazine has declared that “Christianity offers no answers about the Coronavirus.  It is not supposed to.”

When people say that God in the teaching of Christianity has no answers, it seems to me that they haven’t read their Bible, because the Bible does speak about these sorts of things very deeply.

        When we learn about God in the pages of scripture, we find that must use such wonderful words that He is infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, and unchangeable among many other terms to begin to understand Him.

        Infinite means that there is no beginning and ending to God – He is “from everlasting to everlasting” as the Bible declares. He is omnipresent, which means He is everyplace.  “Where shall I go from your Spirit?  Or where shall I flee from your presence?  If I ascend to heaven you are there!  If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!” as the Psalmist declares.  That means He is right at the bedside of every person who is suffering with the virus right now.  He is with every doctor that’s doing treatment, He’s with every nurse that’s risking her health to bless someone else.  Because God is eternal – He’s not bound by time.  And, He is “omniscient” – He knows all.  He knows the end from the beginning.  Which means He can already tell us what the statistics are going to be at the end of this virus.  It has been well said that there is no passage in the Bible which says God panicked when He realized what happened.  On the other hand, there are many stories and examples showing His purposes fulfilled.

        The Bible teaches us that God declares the end from the beginning because He is sovereignly ruling over all things and He’s not only infinite and eternal but He is unchangeable.  That means that His utter goodness, His utter power, His complete holiness, His majestic ruling sovereignty – they never change.  Consequently, what we are experiencing now with all of the challenges and difficulties – they are utterly underneath the rule and purposes of God.  “that people may know…I am the LORD and there is no other.  I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD…” as Isaiah 45:6-7 declares.  We are sometimes allowed pain because when all is well, we tend to forget God and trust in our idols of wealth.  We sometimes need to be reminded that we are small before a sovereign God, and need to look to Him alone for true satisfaction in life, every good gift, and indeed our Salvation.

        And when you see that kind of a God, and you read the Bible you discover that the Bible tells us that God made the world good, from its opening pages in Genesis.  And man rebelled and there is sin and we are in a fallen and broken world.  And one of the things a fallen and broken world is going to have according to the very beginning of the scriptures is that men are going to feel pain and suffering.  They’re going to know labor and difficulty and they will experience death.  We are in a fallen and broken world. 

        And so, when these difficulties come, that is part of what it means to be in a world that has turned its back upon God. 

        As you run through the pages of scripture from the history books, the prophets, the gospels and through to Revelation, we are told that God uses such things as famine, war and pestilence or plague as well as animals being released into the natural order of men to bring about sometimes His holy judgment and other times to cause men to be humble to seek for God’s grace and blessing. 

        By reading God’s word, we know that we are not in paradise yet.  Heaven is yet to come.  We are in a broken world.  We need a Savior.  Redemption is beginning our hope, but eternity is when all things will be made new.  In the meantime, there will be war, famine, and pestilence.  There will be blood, sweat, tears and death. 

        But in the midst, we have the eternal, infinite unchangeable God who is our “rock”, the one who give us our promise, who sent us the Messiah who gives us hope for today and indeed for eternity.

        And, we discover that our Lord is always with us, calms the storms, forgives and offers us life in Him.  We learn that by receiving and following Jesus we have the way to God the Father and life forever with Him in fullness of wellness and joy in a new heaven and earth.

        In the meantime, Jesus calls us to faith in Him.  “Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me..” (John 14)  Jesus asks us in Luke the 18th chapter, “…when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”  And from Matthew 24, “the one who endures to the end will be saved.”  We need remember that those of us who have received, love and follow Him - that we are “bought with a price” and that He has promised to be with us “to the end of the age.”

        So, the Bible has a lot to say about these things.  I would urge my friends who are reading Time magazine to stop for a minute and read the Bible instead, and find hope and life in Him “who loved us and gave Himself for us.”

        Read More Articles

"...We must obey God rather than men." -  Acts 5:29

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:  Keep your faith and choose not to promote abortion!  Pray that evil laws will be overturned and that we and our nation may walk in "paths of righteousness" as our Lord leads.

Abortionist admits to "no set period" in performing abortions.   ( Read about it Here )

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.
Amen."  - Jude 24-25

"Oh, grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man!  With God  we shall do valiantly; it is He   who will tread down our foes" - Psalm 60: 11,12

Father in Heaven, we remain in repentance.  Righteous Father, forgive us for being complicit, indifferent, apathetic, and lukewarm towards darkness and evil around us.   Father, have mercy on us, and grant us full repentance in our lives, in the church, and in our nation - that we change our wicked ways and policies, and that we look to you as our only rock and salvation.   We ask that your perfect will be fullfiled and established. 

"Grant us the peace of the Prince of Peace!   We come to you Father, asking this through our Savior and Master and soon coming King,  Jesus The Christ.


May Our Father God Restore Us As We Seek Him Once Again.    


From Kingdom Works, in the short film below, "Sing a Little Louder", we are faced with a powerful question:
Will we take a stand for those who have no voice?

"Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." - Psalm 82:4    


And here...a resource from Conquer Series... In the church in America today, we are faced with an urgent issue:
Will we boldy confront and repent of addiction to pornography??

"And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death." - Revelation 12:11    

From Crossway on Vimeo, in the video below, pastor and author Kevin DeYoung answers a controversial question:
What does the Bible really teach about homosexuality?

Recorded live at a special event at College Church in Wheaton, IL, DeYoung walks through the Bible's teaching on this difficult question and then responds to common objections:    

Following his address, DeYoung was joined on stage by blogger Justin Taylor, poet Jackie Hill Perry, and pastor Josh Moody for a panel discussion related to the issue of homosexuality:    

Learn more about or purchase Pastor DeYoung's new book "What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?" by going to this Crossway page.    

Cast from the past share their faith:


An excerpt from Augustine's "Confessions"...

     Not with doubtful but with sure knowledge do I love you, O Lord.  By your Word you have transfixed my heart, and I have loved you.  Heaven and earth and all things in them, behold! - everywhere they say to me that I should love you.  They do not cease from saying this to all men, "so that they are inexcusable."  But in a deeper way you will have mercy on him on whom you will have mercy, and you will show mercy to him to whom you will show mercy, for otherwise heaven and earth proclaim your praises to the deaf.  What is it then that I love when I love you?  Not bodily beauty, and not temporal glory, not the clear shining light, lovely as it is to our eyes, not the sweet melodies of many-moded songs, not the soft smell of flowers and ointments and perfumes, not manna and honey, not limbs made for the body's embrace, not these do I love when I love my God.

     Yet I do love a certain light, a certain voice, a certain odor, a certain food, a certain embrace when I love my God: a light, a voice, and odor, a food, an embrace for the man within me, where His light, which no place can contain, floods into my soul; where He utters words that time does not speed away; where He sends forth an aroma that no wind can scatter; where He provides food that no eating can lessen; where He so clings that satiety does not sunder us.  This is what I love when I love my God.

     - Augustine of Hippo (354-430), - wrote numerous treatises on Christianity, including "The Confessions".


An excerpt from Athanasius' 
"On the Incarnation of the Word of God"

     The Word perceived that corruption could not be got rid of otherwise than through death; yet He Himself, as the Word, being immortal and the Father's Son, was such as could not die.  For this reason, therefore, He assumed a body capable of death, in order that it, through belonging to the Word Who is above all, might become in dying a sufficient exchange for all, and, itself remaining incorruptible through His indwelling, might thereafter put an end to corruption for all others as well, by the grace of the resurrection.

     ... For the solidarity of mankind is such that, by virtue of the Word's indwelling in a single human body, the corruption which goes with death has lost its power over all.  You know how it is when some great king enters a large city and dwells in one of its houses; because of his dwelling in that single house, the whole city is honored, and enemies and robbers cease to molest it.

     Even so is it with the King of all; He has come into our country and dwelt in one body amidst the many, and in consequence the designs of the enemy against mankind have been foiled, and the corruption of death, which formerly held them in its power, has simply ceased to be.  For the human race would have perished utterly had not the Lord and Savior of all, the Son of God, come among us to put an end to death. 

     - Athanasius (ca. 296-373), - Architect of the Nicene Creed (325) and champion of Trinitarian orthodoxy, Athanasius was bishop of Alexandria, and considered to be one of the church fathers.




From Fresh Acclaim...
Please know that if you have:
Any questions, prayer requests or comments...
We would love to hear from you!

Jim B :

Randy T :