As our Lord's heart cries out to us from His Word, may we recognize His heart, embrace His heart, be transformed, and echo the cry of His heart to our neighbors and contemporaries, making disciples of all nations with fresh acclaim.
Fresh Acclaim's purpose is to provide encouragement to a modern community of believers who choose to set aside religious ritual and submit themselves to a daily life-changing experience with our LORD that guides our conduct - setting forth the good reasons to have hope and faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior in this dark world.
I have assembled Fresh Acclaim from scratch as a website dedicated to this purpose. You will find articles and apps I have personally written and built, but I have also chosen to give a voice to two friends and brothers in the Lord (Randy and Ed), posting material that our Father God has placed on their hearts, as they do not publish to a site of their own.
I believe that God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, is manifest to us as: God our Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, the Father's only Son and our Savior, conceived of the virgin Mary and come to us in the flesh, and God the Holy Spirit, our Comforter. I believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, and that by His suffering and resurrection, we have forgiveness of sins and hope for life everlasting. I believe that God has given us His inspired word, which is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness so that we may be complete.
Beyond this, I observe that the Body of Christ wears a coat of many colors, and I pray that we may have the same heart that the Apostle Paul expressed in his prayer for the church in 1 Thessalonians 3:12, that the Lord may cause us to…”…overflow with love for one another…”.
Why call it "FRESH ACCLAIM"? This refers to daily acclaim, honor, acknowledgment, and praise given to the King of Kings.
And the LOGO? Simply stick figures representative of some who are standing with arms raised in praise, while others are moving to bow in prayer.
At this site I hope to move beyond cliches and give fresh acclaim to the wondrous work of God in our lives, recognizing His heart crying out for us to change in light of events He allows into our lives and into this world. Here there will also be historical challenges from those who have passed before us, helping us to yield to our Lord's way in our lives daily.
If you use Social Media, and care to spread the word, please do "recommend" articles that bless you on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and the like - this will help increase circulation. Thank you.
As our Lord's heart cries out to this generation, may we recognize that heart, embrace that heart, and echo that cry to our contemporaries with fresh acclaim.
“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without favoritism and hypocrisy.” - James 3:17.
With many thanks to our astoundingly beautiful and true Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
- Jim Bernard, founder of "Fresh Acclaim", in the hope of always honoring our LORD.