When C.S. Lewis penned "Mere Christianity", he introduced one chapter with these words: "It is a very silly idea that in reading a book you must never 'skip'. All sensible people skip freely when they come to a chapter which they find is going to be no use to them."
In this area I am presenting Crossword Puzzles, which may be helpful to some, but which may seem to others merely a distraction. If you are one of the second sort, then I advise you to skip this area.
On the other hand, a Crossword Puzzle involving a portion of Scripture can be helpful to some as it slows them down in their reading and causes them to carefully contemplate meanings in the inspired text. I know that is the case with me as I prepare them. Crosswords can be an interesting way to bring the text into our hearts in a thoughtful way.
If you are inclined to try them, please do so and enjoy! If you do, I would recommend that you:
First, read the text!
Then, carefully contemplate the relevant portion of Scripture, trying to identify keywords in the text with their meanings.
When you are familiar with the Scripture, have it available while you complete the Crossword. (The program Menu Button is always available to provide a hint or reveal the word.)
After you have completed the Crossword, talk the text over with the Lord, carefully considering what the Lord is sharing: "WHAT DOES THIS SCRIPTURE SAY ABOUT GOD? ABOUT ME? WHAT MUST CHANGE AS A RESULT?" - then earnestly pray the text and apply it in your heart and walk. When we approach Scripture this way regularly, we begin to abide in His Word.
Jesus shared an important conditional promise with us when He said: "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:31-32
Prayerfully, hopefully, these Crosswords will offer yet another opportunity for personal repentance, prayer, thinking, spiritual growth and encouragement to life-changing experience with our LORD, as we interact with His Word, and set aside other distractions which would draw us away from His Word.
These Crosswords are not trivial games involving trivial subjects such as “how many books in the N.T.?” Rather, the intent is to take in the meat of God’s Word. To that end, though I use a dictionary and thesaurus, I diligently ask the Lord's help and consider the context when I build the content for these Crosswords, as when writing an article. And, I choose the applicable Scripture only after prayer and waiting on the Lord. My earnest request of the Lord is that His Spirit will speak to hearts as His Word is carefully considered and followed. I will continue adding them as the Lord leads.
Open your bibles, and may His Word grow in your heart and mine!
- Jim B.
P.S. I begin by using the English Standard Version (ESV) for the Crosswords because it is an excellent translation, and so commonly used; and I hope to make these Crosswords readily available to the most participants. Other translations may be used in the future as well.
Don't have a Bible? Simply place your cursor over the highlighted, linked Bible Reference in each Crossword Introduction and follow. Or, if you prefer, I am providing a link to an Online Bible. You may display the Online Bible simultaneously with a Crossword simply by opening both the Bible and the Crossword in separate browser instances and displaying on opposite sides of your screen.
The program is optimized for use with all modern browsers - just not Internet Explorer. The Crosswords are supported on your Mobile Device or Phone as well while connected to the Internet - just begin entering the letters and a pop-up window will appear on your phone with the clues.
Isaiah 49: 5-7
John 1: 1-18
Isaiah 45: 1-25
John 14: 1-31
Psalm 22: 1-31
Ezekiel 34: 1-31; John 10: 1-42
Psalm 2: 1-12
Lamentations 3: 1-66
Acts 4: 1-22
Hebrews 8: 6-13
Habakkuk 3: 17-19
Jeremiah 17: 5-8
Luke 3: 4-6
Isaiah 28: 23-29
Isaiah 37: 14-20
Luke 1: 46-55
Exodus 15: 1-9
Exodus 15: 10-18
Revelation 22: 1-5
Micah 4: 1-5
Revelation 5: 5-14
Ezekiel 1: 26-28
Isaiah 6: 1-7
Job 42: 1-6
Eccl 3: 9-15
Exodus 15: 19-21
Hebrews 1: 2-3
2 Peter 1: 3-11
Isaiah 33: 14-17
Psalm 43: 1-5